Social Marketing PGCert - University of Brighton

Course in detail

Course structure 

The course is designed to fit around your personal and professional commitments, with start dates throughout the year. You may determine the length of the course, which can vary between six months and four years, depending on your individual circumstances.

You take a Social Marketing module over four consecutive days, with additional supervision and assessment...

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What is social marketing? | The NSMC


Methods mix

These benchmark criteria are not just a tick-box checklist, but concepts that work together to make social marketing programmes more effective. For more information, download our� Big pocket guide to social marketing .

1: Clear behavioural goals�

Influence specific behaviours, not just knowledge, attitudes and beliefs.�

Set clear, specific, measurable and time-bound...

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Date: 2017-03-10 07:30:37

Related topics : using social media as a market research tool / using social media to conduct market research / social media market research tool / criticisms of social media marketing / concept of social media marketing

A Beginner's Social Media Marketing Plan - VR Marketing Blog

Published on January 9th, 2013 | by Derek Overbey


A Beginner's Social Media Marketing Plan

If you haven't started marketing your business on social media just yet, 2013 is your year to jump on board! We've created this beginners social media plan to help you hit the ground running. Let's get started:

1. Create and Secure a Business Page/Username - Setting up a business page and username on the...

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How to Build Social Media Into Your Content Marketing ...

For a time, social media and content marketing may have seemed interchangeable, but they are actually quite different . Though there can be quite a bit of overlap, the easiest way to think about their relationship is that content is needed to drive social media, while social media is most essential during two key content marketing processes :

Listening to your audience to understand what they...

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Influencer marketing - Wikipedia

Influence[ edit ]

Most discussion on the generic topic of social influence centres on compliance and persuasion in a social environment, as exemplified in Robert Cialdini 's book Influence: Science and Practice. [3] In the context of Influencer Marketing, influence is less about argument and coercion to a particular point of view, and more about loose interactions between various parties in a...

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Date: 2017-03-05 15:56:19

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Top 4 Criticisms of Social Media | Social Meems

Social media has become one of the most used features of the Internet. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter are used by hundreds of millions of people around the world every day. As the virtual world becomes ever more ubiquitous, a lot of people are spending even more time using social media than they do actually interacting with people in the real world.

Top 4 Criticisms of Social Media


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The Best Social Media Management & Analytics Tools of 2017 ...

Let's say you're in marketing ; you're possibly tasked with being the entire department. You're a power user but not a social media expert. With all of the hype surrounding social media marketing, it's still important to take the time to educate yourself on the basics. Find out what data will be useful and then find a tool that delivers it. Don't try to tailor your company's social media program...

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Chapter 8: Rapid Rural Appraisal - Food and Agriculture ...

Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) methodology owes much of its early development to Farming Systems Research and Extension as promoted by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR). RRA was developed in response to the disadvantages of more traditional research methods, including: the time taken to produce results, the high cost of formal surveys and the low levels of...

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Internet Marketing for Smart People - Copyblogger

Internet Marketing for Smart People

You Don't Have to be a Genius to Master Internet Marketing

Something tells us you're just ... well ... smarter than most people looking to market online.

You're not interested in lame "get rich quick" schemes. You're not looking for a magical silver bullet that involves no work, no time, and no sense.

You don't have to be Einstein to "get" this stuff. But you'd...

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Introducing RACE: a practical framework to improve your ...

The RACE Digital Marketing Planning Framework

We created RACE to help digital marketers plan and manage their activities in a more structured way since we found that many don't have a marketing strategy. In this post, first published in July 2010 and since updated with the a new summary of digital marketing KPIs you should track, we show how you can simplify your measurement and reporting through...

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Corporate Social Responsibility - organization, levels ...

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as the "economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time" (Carroll and Buchholtz 2003, p. 36). The concept of corporate social responsibility means that organizations have moral, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities in addition to their...

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Social vs. Traditional Media | FTI Journal

Communications & Reputation Media & Entertainment


here's no argument that sophistication in social media marketing is on the rise and creates unprecedented opportunities to connect with customers and constituencies. What once was a low-cost channel seeking simple results such as Facebook "likes" now is a more polished discipline: one that builds by word of mouth through complex interactions and...

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Date: 2017-03-10 07:25:02

Related topics : best social media campaigns 2012 / successful social media campaigns examples / social media vs traditional journalism / social media vs traditional communication / social media vs traditional media

FTI Journal - Social vs. Traditional Media

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Social vs. Traditional Media

There's no argument that sophistication in social media marketing is on the rise and creates unprecedented opportunities to connect with customers and constituencies. What once was a low-cost channel seeking simple results such as...

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