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How Social Media Can Impact Business

By Mike Kelly

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The use of social media is growing at an astronomical rate. With Facebook floating on the stock exchange at a mind boggling $104 billion, many naysayers predict a bubble. However,...

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Date: 2017-03-10 06:24:44

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For many brands, social media ‘conversations’ are only ...

Tags: advertising , conversation , Facebook , Forrester , marketing , Ogilvy , Social Media , top-stories

Image Credit: Timothy Brown/Flickr

In the years since it entered marketers' radar screens, social media marketing has often been described as conducting "conversations."

But the facts just don't bear that out.

The dominant setting for social media is Facebook, made king by its nearly 1.25...

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MRA Guide to the Top 16 Social Media Research Questions ...

MRA and IMRO published this simple guide to Social Media Research (SMR) in 2010 in order to help researchers identify and find answers to the most important questions to SMR techniques.


Social networks engulf everyday life. They represent a place to share news, ideas and information of all kinds. The connections made among people in these networks, and the resulting information...

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Date: 2017-03-10 06:55:54

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Influencer marketing - Wikipedia

Influence[ edit ]

Most discussion on the generic topic of social influence centres on compliance and persuasion in a social environment, as exemplified in Robert Cialdini 's book Influence: Science and Practice. [3] In the context of Influencer Marketing, influence is less about argument and coercion to a particular point of view, and more about loose interactions between various parties in a...

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Date: 2017-03-05 15:56:19

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Marketing mix modeling - Wikipedia

Marketing mix modeling is an analytical approach that uses historic information, such as syndicated point-of-sale data and companies' internal data, to quantify the sales impact of various marketing activities. Mathematically, this is done by establishing a simultaneous relation of various marketing activities with the sales, in the form of a linear or a non-linear equation, through the...

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Date: 2017-02-26 23:18:54

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