Rant – Is Social Media Worth It For Musicians?

Rant - Is Social Media Worth It For Musicians?

Posted on February 2nd, 2012   Comments: 41

Show of hands... Who has 1000+ Facebook friends and hasn't sold a single album or made one red cent as a result?

...I thought so.

Social media has always been a very misunderstood platform for many. Part of that is because so many people with ulterior motives have built lucrative careers for themselves as...

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Website: http://www.musicmarketingmanifesto.com

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The art of business relationships through social media

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"Ah, relationships," moaned a dejected Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) at the end of the film, Annie Hall, "Who needs them." The fact is that any business today, whether a sole proprietorship or a multi-national, needs to build relationships. Which is why knowing how to leverage the value that social networks can contribute to establishing and sustaining relationships is crucial. This...

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Website: http://iveybusinessjournal.com

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Social cognitive theory, social learning, self-efficacy ...

Sorin Adam Matei 39 Comments Academic Departments , Albert Bandura , English language , psychology , social , Social cognitive theory , Social Media , Social psychology , Social Sciences , virtual community

Albert Bandura, right Image by psicologiautal via Flickr

This is a learning module for the class  Contemporary Social / Mass Media Theory  taught at Purdue University by  Sorin Adam...

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Website: http://matei.org

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Uses and gratifications theory - Wikipedia

Uses and gratifications has, almost since its inception, been viewed by some as the Pluto of communication theory, which is to say critics argue that it does not meet the standards necessary to be theory. Critics argue that it instead is more of an approach to analysis or a data-collecting strategy. [59] Among the criticism most commonly raised in academic literature:

Gratifications are more...

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Date: 2017-02-18 15:46:21
Website: https://en.wikipedia.org

Related topics : mass media use and social life among internet users / social media release examples / social media terms of use / why use social media / using social media

“Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media,”

Predicting tie strength with social media

Full Text:

CHI '09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Pages 211-220

Boston, MA, USA -- April 04 - 09, 2009

ACM New York, NY, USA ©2009

Concepts inPredicting tie strength with social media

Social media

Social media includes web-based and mobile based technologies which are used to turn communication into...

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Website: http://dl.acm.org

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Media psychology - Wikipedia

History[ edit ]

The field of media psychology started in the 1950s when television was becoming popular in American households. The psychologists were concerned about the children and their television viewing. For example, researchers began to study the impact of television viewing on children's reading skills. Later, they began to study the impact of violent television viewing on children's...

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Date: 2017-03-09 15:08:45
Website: https://en.wikipedia.org

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