How to Create a 30-Second Elevator Pitch | eHow

Kai Chiang/iStock/Getty Images

An elevator pitch is the term used to describe a brief speech you can use as an introduction to a prospective business client -- roughly the amount of time a standard elevator ride takes. An elevator pitch must be clear and comprehensive and should include your unique selling proposition, or what makes you different. The pitch can be used at networking events, to...

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Examples of a 30 or 60-Second Elevator Pitch | ImprovAndy

Another Example 30-Second Elevator Pitch for a Business Lawyer

Let me give you an example of the kind of work I do. As you may know, business owners frequently sign a personal guarantee to get funding to start their business. I was representing a lender who was enforcing a guarantee against a guy whose business had failed. After back-and-forth negotiations we worked out a settlement agreement...

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