Christer Holloman

Rank: 811 / 4486

2 selected videos

@holloman meets: Salesforce EVP of Social Applications, John Wookey to talk about Rypple

Some people think social media is a marketing tool, something that the Marketing team, or even worse -- a PR person, should 'own' within a business. Wrong. Social is a way of communicating; this could be externally but also internally. If you've ever heard me talk about the future of social media, the focus has always been on how to get more departments involved; customer service, product development and HR. I was therefore thrilled to meet Salesforce's EVP of Social Applications John Wookey to...

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Related topics : social media marketing tool / social media tools and applications / social media tools for business / social media marketing services / marketing through social media

@holloman meets Social Media Manager at Honda Europe, Simon Nicholson

A few weeks ago General Motors announced that they will stop adverting on Facebook, but other manufactures like Honda are ramping up their social media efforts. I got a chance to catch up with Simon Nicholson, the Social Media Manager at Honda Europe, at the recent Cloudforce conference in London. We talked about ROI, relevance of Facebook and what how consumers feel as brands get more social media savvy and starts intercepting more of their 'fans' conversations -- relevant advertising or just...

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Related topics : social media brand management / getting started in social media / manage social media / social media branding / social media advertising