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2 selected videos

Discovering Social Networks from Event Logs

Its a student level project developed in JAVA, the core concept of this project is

Process mining techniques allow for the discovery of knowledge based on so-called

‘‘event logs’’, i.e., a log recording the execution of activities in some business process. Many

information systems provide such logs, e.g., most WFM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems

record transactions in a systematic way. Process mining techniques typically focus on performance

and control-flow issues. However, event...

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Related topics : social network analysis papers / analysis of social networking

Experimental Analysis on Access Control Using Trust Parameter for Social Network

Its a student level project developed in JAVA, the core concept of this project is

Technology made socializing very simple and easy, connecting everyone is just a matter of a click today. The security of our personal information and sharing that information in the digital world has always been a major challenge for the ever-growing social networks. When it comes to the relationship between people and technology, the attribution of trust is a matter of dispute always. This paper proposes an...

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Related topics : development of social network analysis