Shurwest Financial Group

Rank: 1137 / 4486

2 selected videos

1-Social Media Basics for Financial Services

Amy McIlwain is the premier expert in social media for the financial services industry. In this four part video series, Amy gives advisors tips on how they can use social media for marketing their financial services business. You'll learn how to get started in social media, how to use social media to communicate with clients and find leads, and how compliance within financial services affects how advisors like you are using social media.

If you want help...

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Related topics : using social media marketing / business using social media / social media marketing plan / social media tools for business / social media branding for business

2-How To Make Social Media Work for You

Your clients and leads are already using social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. In this video, Amy explains how financial planners and advisors can take advantage of social media by using it to communicate with their clients and demonstrate their knowledge and expertise to prospects.

Social media is a whole new way to communicate, and it is very different from traditional marketing. But with these tips, and some practice, you'll be able to start...

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Related topics : new social media sites like facebook / business using social media / using social media marketing / social media marketing plan / social media tips