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2 selected videos

Social Media and Business Intelligence

Social media can be a fantastic business intelligence platform. In order to gain insight and business intelligence you need data sources, and listening across the various social media channels can provide a lot of information. However, in order to make this information useful you need to first categorize the information, followed by charting the data, you can map multiple data points across different data sets thereby providing you with great insight on how it can be leveraged across business...

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Related topics : social media platforms for business / social media intelligence / social media needs analysis / social media media

How community and social media changed corporate communication

Social media and community have changed the landscape of communications. Corporate communication personnel now need a new set of competencies. Businesses need an understanding of these changes and adopting these changes are essential for each person responsible for corporate communication. A better understanding will help you leverage the strengths of community and social media. Read more at...

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Related topics : social media changed communication / social media changed business / social media blogs / social media intelligence / social media help