CAP6776 Information Retrieval Project Presentation

Presentation is on topic of Social Network Analysis and it covers how to evaluate density, network diameter, betweeness centrality, closeness centrality, edge density, clustering coefficient of nodes and networks, and degree distribution of the network. The presentation also shows how program Gephi can help with evaluation of those statistics.

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From: Maciej Medyk

Related topics : social network analysis density

Social Complexity 10: Social Network Science

In this module we will be taking a very high-level view to social network analysis, we talk about how connectivity creates a certain type of space, or what we call a topology that stretches and distorts our traditional conception of linear space. We discuss how reasoning about the general forces that are acting on the network can help us in providing some overall context to our analysis. We then go on to talk about some of the primary considerations to a social network's overall makeup and...

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From: Complexity Academy

Related topics : social network analysis density / analysis of social networking