World Social Network Sites ¤ Join the wisdom of the crowds

eToro is the first global market place for people to trade currencies, commodities

and indices online in a simple, transparent and more enjoyable way.

Today, we empower over 2.75 million users in more than 140 countries worldwide to

manage their funds through our innovative online investment platforms and active

trading community, with thousands of new accounts created every day.

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From: SustainableInvestor1

Related topics : first social networking site in the world

A New Kind of Social Networking Search/Discovery Tool

Here we get an exclusive first look at Semantinet, which is a tool that'll help you get the information you care about out of your social networking tools and feeds. Founder Tai Keinan demonstrates Semantinet and explains why it's important as an adjunct to feeds, social event sites, microblogging tools like Twitter and Pownce, and aggregation services like FriendFeed. This was filmed in Tel Aviv, Israel, as part of our tour to discover what's happening in the tech world in Israel. Much more to...

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From: FastCompany

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