CiteULike: Narcissism and Social Networking Web Sites

The present research examined how narcissism is manifested on a social networking Web site (i.e., Narcissistic personality self-reports were collected from social networking Web page owners. Then their Web pages were coded for both objective and subjective content features. Finally, strangers viewed the Web pages and rated their...

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Related topics : narcissism and social networking web sites / social networking web sites / social web network / social research network sites / social community network sites

The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell | TED-Ed

Interested in learning more on narcissism? Here are the abstracts for two good papers: Narcissism at the crossroads: Phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis and Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: A nomological network analysis. These papers describing vulnerable and grandiose...

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Related topics : narcissism and social networking web sites / narcissism and social networking websites / social networking web sites / social network analysis papers / social media network sites