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2 selected articles

Break Free From Your Social Media Addiction - Real Simple

Break Free From Your Social Media Addiction

Ever go on Facebook for a quick peek, then find yourself 200 photos deep in a perfect stranger's vacation album? Here's how to reclaim precious time (and your right mind).

By Julia Edelstein

Photo by Jamie Chung

Understand That You're Being Played

An embarrassingly heavy social-media habit isn't entirely your fault. "Pinterest, Facebook,...

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Date: 2017-03-10 10:40:49

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Social Media Etiquette - Real Simple


Based on a survey of Real Simple readers, Facebook is the gold standard of social media. And while the settings and designs might change more often than your hairstyle, the advice for sharing on the site stays the same.

Friending and unfriending: When you first join Facebook, the main activity is to connect with your friends, family, and colleagues both current and long-lost. But if and when you discover that you don't really care what your seventh-grade biology lab partner did over the weekend, remember that it's okay to prune your friend list. "You don't need to make an announcement about...

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Date: 2017-03-10 09:15:10

Related topics : social media etiquette / post social media world / social media changed the world / social media change