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104 Fascinating Social Media and Marketing Statistics for ...

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Looking at marketing surveys and studies from the past year, a few trends are clear, among them that buyers are firmly (and increasingly) in control of the purchase cycle. They prefer searching to being found, and will often be close to their final decision point before talking to a salesperson.

Source: WebDAM

In response, marketers are...

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Why is Brand So Important? - Business 2 Community

In this article we talk about what Branding is (brand personality, brand logo, brand recognition), how important it is to your business, and The Zero Moment of Truth.

Why Is Your Brand So Important?

There are many terms used to all-encompass what Branding is all about. We're only going to touch on a few of the major components  so you can understand why your Brand, and evolution of your Brand,...

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10 Day Marketing Plan To Launch An App - Business 2 Community

One of the most exciting as well as the scariest time in the life of App Entrepreneurs is when they are about to launch a new app.

While working at a startup in Silicon Valley, when we were about to launch our first app we stayed awake the whole night trying to make sure that we were ready for the thousands of customer emails which we were going to get the next day and trying to be prepared for...

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Related topics : free social media marketing apps / social media marketing apps / free social media marketing plan template / social media marketing plan template excel / social media marketing plan template

7 Facebook Contest and Promotion Ideas with Examples

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Did you know that 34% of Facebook users like a Page to get access to the brand's promotions and/or discounts?

Because of this, your Fans want you to run contests and provide offers for them on Facebook.

Whether you're just getting on the social media marketing bandwagon or are looking for some inspiration, these Facebook contest and promotion ideas...

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Related topics : social media marketing ideas facebook / social media campaign ideas facebook / social media promotion ideas / social media marketing ideas for business / social media promotions examples

20 Must Know Digital Marketing Definitions

If you are new to digital marketing, understanding the complex jargon that dominates the industry can be complicated. With words such as conversion and acronyms like SEO thrown casually in conversations, you can feel left out. To catch up, here are 20 key definitions of phrases commonly used in the digital marketing industry.

1. CTR - Click-Through Rate

Click-through Rate identifies the...

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