Rank: 198 / 692
3 selected articles
Social Marketing: Strategies for Changing Public Behavior ...
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Literacy campaigns, family planning, and programs to combat teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and AIDS represent only a fraction of the social campaigns launched by agencies throughout the world in an effort to change public behavior. These agencies hope that social campaigns may be the way to achieve social goals without repressive legislation, costly incarceration, or the...
Related topics : social marketing strategies for changing public behavior kotler / social marketing strategies for changing public behavior / marketing public health strategies to promote social change / social media marketing campaign plan / successful social marketing campaigns
Social Marketing: Strategies for Changing Public Behavior ...
Meet the author
Literacy campaigns, family planning, and programs to combat teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, and AIDS represent only a fraction of the social campaigns launched by agencies throughout the world in an effort to change public behavior. These agencies hope that social campaigns may be the way to achieve social goals without repressive legislation, costly incarceration, or the...
Related topics : social marketing strategies for changing public behavior kotler / social marketing strategies for changing public behavior / marketing public health strategies to promote social change / social media marketing campaign plan / successful social marketing campaigns
Why Social Media Matters: School Communication in the ...
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Why is it so critical that school leaders embrace social media? And when you're ready to start, what's the best first step? Here's...
Related topics : why social media matters school communication in the digital age / why social media matters book / why social media matters / social media criticism book / social media criticism
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