Wirkung von Social Media auf Marken - Springer

Wirkung von Social Media auf Marken

Book Subtitle

Eine ganzheitliche Abbildung der Markenf hrung in Social Media


3. Lehrstuhl f r innovatives...

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Website: link.springer.com

Related topics : b to b marken in social media / social media content / why use social media / social media link / using social media

de-marken-news.de Website Analysis and Social Media report ...



Operative System running on the server. The language of de-marken-news.de as detected by CoolSocial algorithms. Type of server and offered services. Represents HTML declared type (e.g.: XHTML 1.1, HTML 4.0, the new HTML 5.0) Character set and language of the site.

Site Traffic trend during the last year. Only available for sites ranked <= 100000 in the...

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Website: http://www.coolsocial.net

Related topics : new social media sites like facebook / social media links for website / social media sites like facebook / creating a social media website / new social media websites